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I have loved Beauty and the Beast since I was about four years old
Movie came out the year I was born in 1990
And I just fell in love with Belle. She was this feisty young woman who spoke her mind and had all of these ambitions and was incredibly independent and wanted to see the world
And also smart and I loved how she had this relationship with Beast where they were just toe to toe
And umm.. That to me just seemed like such a dynamic and interesting kind of relationship that I'd never seen before in a fairy tale
I was just enamored with the whole thing
I was just so in love
It was so funny and
so romantic but in a way that
I don't know for me it didn't feel
contrived in the same way that I think perhaps other fairy tales have in the sense that
they Beast and Belle really dislike each other at the beginning and they
they really don't get on and then they form this friendship
and then they fall in love
and that there was just something so beautiful about that to me and
I've just loved it ever since
As a child you loved Disney but as an adult you still love Disney because it sort of connects you with that childlike feeling that everything is gonna be okay and
there's there's hope in the world and
It just sort of
for me it just gives me this sense of like ah everything's fine everything's fine
so to get to be in you know playing Belle and to get where she live in the world is
you know it's just amazing
Beauty and the Beast Interview - Emma Watson