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High School Play

Rapunzel, let down your hair
Rapunzel, I thought I'd never see you again
Now look what you've done, Rapunzel
Oh, don't worry dear
Our secret will die with him
And as for us?
We are going where no one will ever find you, again
Rapunzel, really
Enough all ready
Stop fighting me
No! I won't stop
For every minute of the rest of my life I will fight
I will never stop trying to get away from you
But, if you let me save him... I will go with you
No, Rapunzel
I'll never run, I'll never try to escape
Just let me heal him
And you and I will be together
Forever, just like you want
Everything will be the way it was
I promise
Just like you want
Just let me heal him
[1] Tangled - Let down your hair