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High School Play

Tell me where the bomb is
ten seconds or you're dead
I'm the only one who knows where that nuke is
Well then in that case I'd say you'd better stop..
Oh my god! why did you do that?
I didn't do it on purpose there's like a ton of pollen in here
But I quit teaching to join the CIA, I thought I was gonna be this amazing spy and I'm still just the same boring person I was
You play it too safe
I just hear my mom's voice, just blend in, let somebody else win, making a wave isn't always brave, give up on your dream Susan
She used to write that in my lunchbox
We've intercepted chatter that Rayna Boyanov knows where that nuke is
She knows the identity of all our agents, we need someone to find the bomb without being detected but it can't be any of you need someone invisible
I'll do it
Okay, thanks lunch lady
I'm serious
Don't let me down Cooper
I will not, I will let you up
Stop talking
I will let you up
We're giving you a new identity
You're no longer be Susan Cooper
Your Penny Morgen, divorced housewife from Iowa
It's a confidence builder
You really think you're ready for the field?
Damn it! Who puts a roof on a scooter? What are you, the Pope?